Sunday, June 15, 2008

fatphang's movie reviews

Here is some movie reviews by fatphang, which I copy it from his Facebook's Flixter Movies application.

28 Weeks Later
Takes horror to a new level: it's not the unseen, it's not the seen, it's not the gore, it's the absolute unrest and paranoia pushed to its furthest: the fear that anyone near you can became death incarnate, zombie or no zombie. That and i'm a major, major Rose Byrne fan. Story line's a little flawed compared to the prequel tho. Superb soundtrack too.

28 Days Later
Zombies that run. Do you really need another reason? Okay, okay, superior soundtrack too.

Children Of Men
Wonderfully depressing vision of the future that roots itself with so much realism, it captures you from the first frame to the last. Perhaps the only Western sci-fi film so far that shows with sheer precision what kind of a future humankind is headed straight to.

12 Monkeys
One of my all time favourite sci-fi flicks ever. Forget all them clean and stylised time-travel flicks with happy ending. This is the ULTIMATE time-travel movie in my book.

Dark City
Haunting, immensely intelligent, and very very original. This is one of the most under-rated sci-fi greats in the 90s, beats the shit out The Matrix Trilogy any day.

Blade Runner
★★★ & 1/2
Truly visionary film-making in its time. Now you know where all them polluted future cities and flying cars come from.

Artificial Intelligence
★★★ & 1/2
Brilliantly written, immensely riveting. But all the same, it would've been tonnes of loads over-the-top greatness if Kubrik would've done the job instead, that is, if he stayed within the realms before Eyes Wide Shut.

I Robot
Marginally satisfying if you're a hardcore Asimov fan. A little over-stylized for my taste.

Minority Report
Great concept, strikingly smart and intriguing plot, loads of original ideas in sci-fi tech and an ingenius directing job. The only drawback is perhaps Cruise's usual over-acting.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Always an intensely weird, far-out and beautiful trip. Best enjoyed under the influence. *wink*

A Scanner Darkly
Another brilliant piece of intriguing work from Linklater, tho i feel that the whole animation thing kinda defeats its purpose. Little is done here that couldn't have been done in live action.

Waking Life
The deepest depths of existential intelligence ever explored by an American animated feature.

La Science Des Reves (The Science Of Sleep)
Imagination takes superb flight here. Quirky, whimsical, sad at times and very very very beautiful.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
One of my all time favourite romantic comedies that is totally rare, totally amazing, completely original, and hits you right in the heart but never for one second stifling brain activity with saccharin overdose. Kate Winslet at one of her most beautiful. Jim Carrey at one of his most wonderful. Michel Gondry's at one of his purest of genius, and probably the best damn script ever by Charlie Kaufman next to Adaptation.

Donnie Darko
Smart smart smart, twist twist twist, insights insights, insights.

Kataude Mashin Garu (The Machine Girl)
★★★★ & 1/2
Kill Bill meets Planet Terror in full-out nutty Japanese glory. This is one blood-splattered, outrageous, campy and crazy laugh-your-brains-out movie destined for cult legend.

War, Inc.
Brilliant satire of razor sharp dark humour that slices directly into the bleak and terror of American imperialism. Absolutely genius script, excellent performance by the Cusacks.

El Laberinto Del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)
A spellbinding fairy-tale piece that captures both the imagination of a child and an adult's dream of true magic. Dark and beautiful.

Iron Man
★★ & 1/2
It's fun, but flimsy, but fun, i know, it's conflicting. major down point: Tony Stark is totally NOT Tony Stark, not because of Robert Downy Jr, he's fantastic as usual, rather the character that he played, is NOT Tony Stark, it's just some quirky hollywood abomination with the same name as our comic book alcoholic playboy weapons inventor genius.

Shoot 'Em Up
★★★★ & 1/2
Lots of guns, lots of shots, lots of out-rageous stunts, this is one entertaining joy ride that doesn't insult your brain because it never takes itself too seriously.

16 Blocks
★★ & 1/2
Mos Def at his most whiny, annoying extreme, sometimes to the point that it takes too much attention away from the intelligence of the plot. Still, it's one of the more decent Bruce Willis movies.

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