Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let The Right One In

恐怖/驚悚片一路以來都不是我杯茶,可能是因為那些重復用了又用的無端端嚇到你春袋也縮起來的情節毫無新意吧。「Let The Right One In」真的是出乎預料的精彩好看,完全讓我透不過氣來,不是因為它嚇到我懶趴一邊大一邊小,而是那種非常有張力的憂郁及壓抑感將故事情節鋪張得讓人難以自拔。一部有關吸血鬼的電影未必是要拿來嚇人的,它也可以很浪漫的(不是「Twilight」的那種)、很傷感的、很斯文及很寧靜的慢慢侵入你的心房。
美麗的風景配合完美的攝影構圖營造出一幕又一幕的詩情畫意畫面,兩位童星的精彩演出讓人大跌眼鏡,多虧導演的一番苦工,真的是讓人有想起立鼓掌向他致敬的沖動。緩慢凄美的故事情節遇上具有起伏感的管弦樂,能夠讓人看得更有投入感。「Let The Right One In」將凄美、憂郁及暴力融合得完美無暇,會讓人留下深刻的印象。
我最愛這部片的前半部,感覺很憂郁和壓抑,讓我透不過氣來。結局并沒有出乎預料的驚喜,但卻會讓人留下遺憾,因為這部電影就這樣的完了,讓人產生舍不得的感覺,很想再繼續看下去(不是重看那種感覺)。憂郁、壓抑及傷感這種 negative 的感覺也會讓人舍不得嗎?說真的,我到現在的心情都還沒平復下來。看完電影后馬上打開 iTunes 聆聽一些 Neo-Classical, Slow-Core 及 Ambient 的音樂,想把心中的這股壓抑感更上一層樓,聽 Anoice 的歌最適合不過了。
Info from Wikipedia:
Let the Right One In (SwedishLåt den rätte komma in
is a 2008 Swedish romantic vampire film directed by Tomas Alfredson. It is based on the novel of the same name by John Ajvide Lindqvist, who also wrote the screenplay for the film. It tells the story of a bullied 12-year-old boy who develops a friendship with a vampire in Blackeberg, a suburb to Stockholm. The film received widespread international critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including the "Founders Award for Best Narrative Feature" at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival and the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation's 2008 Méliès d'Or (Golden Méliès) for the "Best European Fantastic Feature Film".
My review on Flixster:
" This is the most beautiful, melancholy & depressing vampires/horror movie ever made. I've never seen such great horror movie in my life. Cinematography is beautifully done, brilliant directing & great soundtracks too. There is none of the popular/most common used horror film shocking moment but it does terrified you all the way. This film just makes me breathless, I just loves it especially the relationship between Eli & Oskar. "

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fake Thunderscats Movie Trailer

Starring: Brat Pitt, Van Dissel, Samuel L. Jackson...