Monday, March 30, 2009

The most used movie sequence parody

Bee En Downfall:

Perak Downfall:

Gutter Uncensored Downfall:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A short film about SIGN

A simple short film about communication. 
Created by Publicis Mojo and @RadicalMedia
Director: Patrick Hughes

Watch in High Quality:

Join the Facebook Fan Page:

If you like the soundtrack, you can check out @

the Schweppes online film festival:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BATTLES Live in Malaysia

BATTLES 是一支來自美國紐約市的實驗性數學搖滾樂隊。耍樂奔放的臺風,令人蠢蠢欲動的節奏及不安份怪誕的編曲,就是 BATTLES。詳細資料看這里

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chemical Brothers or Genghis Tron?

之前就看過了 The Chemical Brothers 的 "Star Guitar" 音樂錄音,非常的喜歡。如今,又有一個類似概念的音樂錄音來比拼了,就是 Genghis Tron 的 "Things Don't Look Good"。你覺得哪個比較好呢?
The Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Zeitgeist 2: Addendum

House Warming

2 月 18 日,Forbidden Culture & Silent Keat Findars 搞了個聯合專輯推介演出。
他們個別都推出了個人的專輯,一起來搞個聯合演出。Forbidden Culture 推出了第二張個人專輯「Return Of The Savior」。
Silent Keat 則推出了首張個人專輯「Own Secret Time」。



Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waltz With Bashir

This is a very good animated documentary of a man in search of his long lost memory which he didn't want to remember and we didn't know about it. I don't really know anything about the history & background of the 1st Lebanon war, but it does horrified me, through this animation. Every scenes & words are intense & terrifying, it brings you one step closer to understand an in-field-soldier's fear, stress disorder, guilt & hallucinations. And the most horrified scene is the ending scene, it just wakes you up and realized how lucky you are. And it's a good choice for the old-skool punk rock/new wave era revisit too.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


終于看了 Van Damme 的最新電影「JCVD」了,不錯看。他踏入娛樂圈這么多年,終于有一部像樣一點的電影了,他終于真的開始演戲了。故事劇情還蠻不錯的。整部電影一半屬于 Van Damme 的自傳紀錄片,一半屬于諷刺他的搞笑喜劇。電影不會有太多的冷場(不是說由頭打到尾),奇怪的這部電影并沒有太多的動作場面,反而內心戲還蠻多的,雖然 Van Damme 演得不是很好,但已經是突破了他個人的記錄,應該說是他人生中最佳的一部電影。真的有點驚訝,Van Damme 可以演戲,雖然奧斯卡影帝不會有他的份,但已經算是很好了。這是一部法國電影,所以我聽不明白他們在講什么,幸好字幕還蠻不錯的,還可以了解整部電影的劇情及對白。

Thursday, March 5, 2009

UNKLE - Burn My Shadow

這是一支超棒的 MV,UNKLE 的 "Burn My Shadow"。

這個則是 MV 的制作過程:

M83 獨家專訪 獨家專訪 M83 的片段:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pretty Benjamin is curious

This is a slow & quiet story that touching the deepest of your heart from the start until the end. It's too bad the OSCAR-ers prefer the adventure story of a boy from the slum became millionaire than this abnormal pretty boy's curious case. 
The attractiveness of Cate Blanchett is absolutely undeniable, I just couldn't imagine it, I would like to grow old with her too, she's just like a perfect lady there, with wrinkles & broken bones. 
Superb job on editing, make-up & 3D SFX, and of cause, there is lots of details in every scenes that you shouldn't miss out. I've to hold my pee until the end so that I can finish the movie without losing any of it's best. It's like the film is talking to you directly, thanks to the narrator. 
Typical nice job of David Fincher, with some interesting characters & editing, as per usual. Dig my words, go feed your curiosity right now! You'll ain't gonna regret this. Trust me, over my dead body. And finally I have to shout out loud, I love you David Fincher!
Conclusion: 2 hours 48 minutes + RM9 = Satisfactions

Monday, March 2, 2009


Philippe Petit dared to walk across the high wire from Tower to Tower of the World Trade Center back on August 7, 1974. If you enjoy this short-I strongly urge you to see the film Man On Wire.